Friends of Jung-South

Friends of Jung-South presents
A Presentation for Mental Health Clinicians and Persons Seeking Self-Development ​
Mary Magdalene
CG Jung's Theory of Eros
The Feminine Principle in Women and Men
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Retired, CG Jung Institute Zurich

Maria Maddelena by Giovan Gioseffo dal Sole

A Series of Four Sunday Afternoon Lectures
1 - 2:30 pm Central Time

Sunday, April 25, 2021
Mary Magdalene and the da Vinci Code: Revisioning the Divine Feminine
In our present day world, the sanctity of the feminine is lost to the deep unconscious. We ask, where is the love, compassion and relatedness and how do we redeem this vital aspect of our life?
Participants will be able to:
Identify the archetypal sacred feminine and the art and symbols associated with it.
Understand the process of the sacred marriage (heiros gamos) and the resulting psychological transformation.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Despairing Love
“Love denied blights the soul we owe to God.” —Shakespeare in Love
“Despairing Love” will view aspects of Mary Magdalene’s life where we symbolically find the development and integration of the masculine principle.
Participants will be able to:
To examine the various aspects of a love relationship and how it may help or hinder psychological development.
To differentiate the phases of the masculine principle (animus) in a woman.
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Why We Need a Penitent Whore
"Most of what men say about feminine eroticism, and particularly about the emotional life of women, is derived from their own anima projections and distorted accordingly." —CG Jung, CW 17 par. 33
“Despairing Love” will view aspects of Mary Magdalene’s life where we symbolically find the development and integration of the masculine principle.
Participants will be able to:
To explain the negative father complex and explore ways that it is manifested in men and women.
To explore the psychological aspects of Jung’s definition of “shadow” in women and how that is manifested.
To explore ways in which men and women become more conscious of these issues in order to deal with them.
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Our Psychological Symbols from Science and Theology
​The Higgs Boson and the Wife of Jesus
"Love is the very physical structure of the Universe."
—Human Energy, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin​
“Despairing Love” will view aspects of Mary Magdalene’s life where we symbolically find the development and integration of the masculine principle.
Participants will be able to:
To explain Higgs Boson and how symbolically it relates to Jung’s archetype of the Self.
To examine Jung’s archetype of the Self and what this would mean in one’s personal psychology.
​To explore the recent findings of an ancient papyrus on which is written “and Jesus said ‘my wife.’"
To understand the psychological symbolism within the heiros gamos, the archetypal sacred marriage.​
This is an online event from Birmingham, AL via Zoom.
Next day recordings of each lecture will be provided to registrants until August 25.
​Contact hours granted only for live attendance.
​Total of 6 NBCC or 6 ABSWE contact hours or 1.5 contact hours per individual lecture.
AAMFT contact hours with prior board approval.

“She is the happy one, beautiful in her speaking…and is the inheritor of Light."
—Pistis Sophia, The Gnostic Gospels
Through biblical lore and legends, we find the image of Mary Magdalene mystifying, leaving one with unanswered questions. And yet, it was she who is said to be the one who first saw the Divine. Likewise, Eros, as Jung named the feminine principle, is equally difficult to comprehend and to hold in consciousness.
The focus of this lecture series will be how we may become more conscious of Jung’s description of Eros, the feminine principle. We will examine the attributes of Mary Magdalene and compare them to Jung’s teachings of the feminine principle, i.e. love, relatedness, compassion, in order to become more conscious of the individuation process, the Self, or that which is Divine. We will seek to find what relevance her image has to do with modern women and men, to the understanding of self, relationships, and the world’s soul.
​Objectives for Lecture Series
Upon completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
Explain Jung’s meaning of archetypes and the collective unconscious and to define the function archetypes hold in the collective unconscious.
Review Jung’s theory regarding the feminine principle, how this relates to men and women and what may result when there is a lack of integration into consciousness.
Explore images from legends and myths and how these translate into psychological patterns of one’s behavior.
Explore the differences between our conscious reality and our psychic reality within the framework of the psychology of CG Jung.
Objectives for individual lectures will accompany announcement of each lecture.
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD
Jungian Analyst, Retired
Nancy Qualls-Corbett, PhD, is a Jungian analyst (retired). A diplomate from the CG Jung Institute Zurich, she began private practice in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1981. She is the author of two books: The Sacred Prostitute, Eternal Aspect of the Feminine and Awakening Woman, Dreams and Individuation.
​Nancy has led seminars in Italy, Greece and Egypt and has lectured throughout the United States and Canada and is a noted lecturer on Mary Magdalene, as well as Dionysus and the Villa of Mysteries. Even though now retired, her interest still continues in seeing the growth of the feminine principle in our world today.
Registration is closed.

NBCC Continuing Education Credits
Friends of Jung-South has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, AECP #6859. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Friends of Jung-South is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Friends of Jung-South Membership
Members support the continuing mission of FOJS, and enjoy the camaraderie of a regional group of others with shared interests. Discounted rates for events are offered to members. It is not necessary to pay dues to attend events. Annual membership dues are $20 and renew each January. Members may join at any time during the year.
Click here to pay with a major credit or debit card via PayPal. ​To pay by mail, please send check with your name, address, phone number, and email address to Friends of Jung-South, P.O. Box 130342, 3900 Montclair Rd. FL1, Birmingham, AL 35213-9998.