Friends of Jung-South

Friends of Jung-South
Celebrates with Deep Gratitude
The Life and Service
Jutta von Buchholtz, PhD
​​1940 - 2022
​Jungian Analyst
Diplomate, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich
~ Bidden or not, God is present. ~
– Emblem over the entrance to Carl Jung’s home, where he saw patients for mental healing –

We invite you to enjoy this poster from the Friends of Jung-South archives. The image is a collage from the works of acclaimed artist, Romare Bearden. This image held special resonance for Jutta.

In our society, illness—mental or physical—is viewed as a defect…to be eradicated or fixed. I wondered whether pathology might not as well be understood as one of the languages of soul…as a source of profound internal growth and emotional healing? And where can we find the feminine in the healing arts?
—Jutta von Buchholtz

In Tribute
Jutta von Buchholtz, PhD

Anna Penelope Dudley, FOJS Board
I, together with Kelly Leavitt, am grateful to offer this memorial page in tribute to the life and service of Jutta von Buchholtz. As co-creators of media publications for Friends of Jung-South, we worked with Jutta from soon after the beginning until the end of her analytic career in Birmingham. We will miss Jutta, along with her well-organized preparation, probing questions, clear narrative and the inspired imagery of her work.
Personally, I experienced relationship with Jutta over many years and in a variety of circumstances: advisor to the FOJS board, teacher, mentor and friend. Jutta was intelligent, wise, warm and generous. I am blessed to have known Jutta, a woman who lived life well, authentically and with courage.
And when great souls die…Our senses whisper to us…They existed..
We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.
--Maya Angelou, When Great Trees Fall
Jane Philips, FOJS Board​
Jutta von Buchholtz began her career as a Jungian analyst in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1997. She earned her master’s degree in counseling at University of Alabama at Birmingham and her doctorate degree in Medieval Literature from Vanderbilt University. She received her Diplomate as a Jungian analyst from the C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich. She served as a senior training analyst for the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts (IRSJA) and was a core faculty member for the IRSJA New Orleans and Memphis/Atlanta training seminars. She also lectured at Jungian institutes in the United States and Europe.
Notably, Jutta, was an assistant curator of the exhibit, “The Sacred Round: Mandalas by the Patients of Carl Jung.” Functioning as a liaison between Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia and C. G Jung Institute Zurich, Jutta’s work was instrumental in bringing the “first-ever exhibition of forty mandalas created by the patients of…Jung…. [These works offered] rare insight into the patients’ creative analytical process and the symbolism within their mandalas.”
Jutta held enduring interest in the philosophy of Gurdjieff. She was a master gardener, gourmet cook, having studied cooking in Paris, and an avid fan of the arts.
Jutta’s contributions to Friends of Jung-South were monumental and lasting. She served as advisor to the board for many years, in addition to presenting lectures and seminars. She was a gifted teacher, always prepared, always disciplined and capable of delivering a palpable punch with her potent images of archetypes. She will be greatly missed.
Lucie Magnus, FOJS Past Board
Jutta was a woman of sharp intelligence and a learned teacher and mentor. Jutta loved to teach and share her love of fairy tales, a love born of her experience of her grandmother’s telling her these tales during the horrors of World War II Germany. She was gentle and piercing in her interactions with students and colleagues and so dear to those to whom she was close. Philemon and Baucis was a myth particularly close to Jutta’s heart and mind. Ovid closes the myth with these words: “The gods look after good people still, and the cherishers are cherished.” All of us who knew her will miss her and cherish her memory.
Juanzetta Flowers, FOJS Past Board
Jutta brought a bright and beautiful energy to the world and the world is dimmer without her in it. I had the privilege of working with her as an analysand some years ago and the experience left me permanently changed for the better. Her quiet wisdom and cogent advice never failed to get me over whatever “hump” I was facing at the time. Seeing her at our meetings and hearing her lectures were truly gratifying times in my life. One always measures a relationship with another person in terms of how that relationship resonates with one’s own soul. I can say, unequivocally, that Jutta left my soul always lightened and happier just by being in her presence. I believe that the world in general must feel the same. Her soul will be greatly missed in our hearts.
Melissa Werner, FOJS Board
Jutta enriched our Jungian community with vast knowledge and keen intellect. She was inspiring to me as she moved more and more to the heart in the last few years. Her knowledge and heart for Fairytales was impressive. Jutta was so generous to me In referring clients to me when I was first starting out as an Jungian analyst. She was a wonderful cook, every meal eaten with her was a treat. It is a small and special community of those interested in Jung and Jutta was so vital to that community. She will be sorely missed.
Annette F. Reynolds, FOJS Past Board
Dear Jutta,
I am writing you today because I did not have a chance to say good-bye to you and want you and your loved ones to know how much all of you enriched my life. Our friendship goes back a long way-- swimming in the pool at the home of one of the founders of FOJS, going for long walks with our children in the countryside, or me dressing-up and being the “fortune teller” at your daughter’s birthday party. We shared personal and professional conversations over a fine meal in your home or in a restaurant at our monthly therapist friendship “support group.” Because of your European background, experience, knowledge, and wisdom, I always felt like I was traveling on a journey just being with you. Your colleagues, students and clients world-wide must be as grateful as I am that you were in our lives. I offer my deepest, heartfelt condolences to your family, loved ones, and all those whose lives you touched.
Annette F. Reynolds
Glenda R. Elliott, PhD, FOJS Board Emeritus
In addition to practicing as a Jungian analyst, through her teaching, training and writing, Jutta’s contributions to the field of Jungian psychology are significant and far-reaching. She leaves a lasting legacy for which we are very grateful.
Gloria Anderson, Former Student
I had the privilege of taking a course from Jutta in Jungian dream analysis through UAB Special Studies, years ago. Jutta was a beautiful and elegant presence, and we were all fascinated by her. She provided rich resources for us that continued our study after the course finished. She was also willing to be vulnerable and open, relating personal examples of her own dreams and what they led her to understand. Many of her remarks are still in my head. What a special and knowledgeable teacher.
Oneal Isaac, President, C. G. Jung Society of Baton Rouge
Jutta was a great friend to our Jung Society and she will be sorely missed.
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